International RTD Landscape

This web page provides an overall view of the global competitiveness civil aeronautical research, technology and development landscape, which can be used to consider the suitability for collaborative research.
The oldest information on this page originates from the AirTN-FP6 project and was the basis for further analysis of potential for collaborative research, including two international workshops. The information has been kept up-to-date during AirTN-FP7. Other information is from the Fifth European Aeronautic Days 2006. The latest information originates from the Sixth European Aeronautic Days 2011, organised by the European Commission in co-operation with CDTI.

Australia presentation: Australian Government Initiatives in the Aerospace Industry (AirTN FP6)
speech: Air Transport Network Conference – International Networking (AirTN FP6)
Canada Canadian Aeronautics Innovation an Overview (Aerodays 2011)
Government of Canada Presentation to Air Transport Network Conference on International Co-operation (AirTN FP6)
China AirTN Mission to China (AirTN FP6)
Czech Republic Aerospace Research in the Czech Republuc and Cooperation with Europe (AirTN FP6)
Czech National Aviation Approach till y. 2020 (Aerodays 2011)
India Indian Civil Aerospace Research (AirTN FP6)
Japan Technology Development Activities in Japanese Aerospace Industry (Aerodays 2011)
Latin America Latin America – EU Cooperation in Aeronautics and Air Transport Research (Aerodays 2011)
A valuable insight of Latin America countries for Aeronautics (Aerodays 2011)
Russia Civil Aviation in Russia (AirTN FP6)
Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (Aerodays 2011)
Russian Aeronautics Research Programms (Aerodays 2011)
Russian research and innovation programmes: Access opportunities and entry channels (Aerodays 2011)
South Africa part1: Positioning the South African Aerospace Industry as a Priority Sector (AirTN FP6)
part2: The South African Aerospace Landscape (AirTN FP6)
Ukraine Aeronautics and Aerospace Achievements and Researches in Ukraine (AirTN FP6)
New Possibilities for Aeronautic FP7 Collaboration (Aerodays 2011)
USA Co-operation between EU and the USA on Aeronautics research is a Must (Aerodays 2011)
Federal Aviation Administration Research Program (AirTN FP6)